
Bundle Package 4.2 – Candelfish 16 Plans and Candlefish Casting Deck Plans – Metric – Together


Two sets of plans combined in one package for a 25% savings. The Candlefish 16 and the Candlefish 16 Casting Deck – together – Metric.

Candlefish 16 Casting Deck information here.

Candlefish 16 information here.


Having trouble choosing which Candlefish 16 version you want?  Here’s the answer – Get Both !   Normally each plan separately would be $125.00 for a total cost of $250 together. 25% off of that total is $187.50 – a savings of $62.50. This is the fourth bundle package we’re offering. An opportunity to see in detail which design suits you best – or – you can build both!  With the 4.1 Bundle you get the metric downloadable plans for the Candlefish 16 and the dual imperial/metric plans for the Candlefish 16 Casting Deck.

Candlefish 16 Casting Deck information here.

Candlefish 16 information here.

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