
Bundle Package 1.2 Candlefish 13 + Oolichan 13 Metric Downloadable Construction Plans


Our first offering under this category is for buying downloadable construction plans for the Candlefish 13 and her wider sister the Oolichan 13 together. The regular price of the two plans together would be $170.00.  We now offer the two plans together at 25% off – $127.50 – a savings of $42.50.  In this Bundle the Candlefish will be in metric and the Oolichan will have both metric and imperial.

Candlefish 13 Information

 Oolichan 13 Information



Our first offering under this category is for buying downloadable construction plans for the Candlefish 13 and her wider sister the Oolichan 13 together. The regular price of the two plans together would be $170.00.  We now offer the two plans together at 25% off – $127.50 – a savings of $42.50. In this Bundle (1.2) the Candlefish 13 plans will be in metric and the Oolichan 13 plans will have both metric and imperial.

Oolichan 13 information here.

Candlefish 13 information here.

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